Webmasters misery after the website got hacked; Google sandbox, Hosting dismissal and much more

January 17, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

Hello, I run a websites on graphics design, greeting cards and website design. Most of the items are free for visitors and I make my money from advertisement using Adsense.

Its not just war; its cyber war! Israel and Gaza engaged in cyber war

January 17, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

News of cyber war fare is reported from the warzone! News bases sites, telecommunication etc are the initial targets on both sides. Israel and the Arab world are showing mastery

Dont be scared! It’s just a scareware. About latest scareware’s

January 17, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

Scarewares are the latest online menace, which attempt to scare you and thus make you buy fake fix solutions to cure your perfectly working computer system. They would appear as

Wake up Adobe; we love your Flash player but not Trojans

January 17, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

Virus developers are taking advantage of the enormous popularity of the Adobe flash player and creating fake Adobe Flash player which installs Trojan horse designed to steal password and personal

Google, the energy saver! Energy efficiency of Google products

January 17, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

n a wired finding by a Harvard researcher, Google search generates 7 grams of carbon dioxide (CO2), slightly less than half as much CO2 as boiling a kettle for a

Yet another simple Google Docs hack

January 17, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

A simple hack that allow you to edit read only Google docs is explained here http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2009/01/copy-google-documents-to-your-account.html It works and all you need is to hack the url a bit like

Wi-Fi Network Loopholes That Hackers Exploit – Plug Them and Avoid Troubles!

January 17, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

With the increasing number of wi-fi home or small office networks mushrooming all over the place, the hackers are having a field day. The hackers break-in at will and carry