
Safe3 SQL Injector is one of the most powerful penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of back-end database servers.

Full support for GET/Post/Cookie Injection;
Full support for HTTP Basic, Digest, NTLM and Certificate authentications
Full support for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL,MSSQL,ACESS,DB2,Sybase,Sqlite
Full support for Error/Union/Blind/Force SQL injection
Support for file acess,command execute,ip domain reverse,web path guess,md5 crack,etc.
Super bypass WAF

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Blind SQL Injection

Blind injection: you dont actually see anything, you just see how the server responds.Blind injection is a little more complicated/time consuming, but when your injection is multi-select and union isn’t

TCP/IP Tutorial

This tutorial is intended to supply a brief overview of TCP/IP protocol. Explanations of IP addresses, classes, netmasks, subnetting, and routing are provided, and several example networks are considered. The

Directory Traversal

Directory Traversal Overview Directory Traversal vulnerabilities occur once again when the user supplied input is not validated. You think we would get tired of saying this, but it appears this