
Safe3 SQL Injector is one of the most powerful penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of back-end database servers.

Full support for GET/Post/Cookie Injection;
Full support for HTTP Basic, Digest, NTLM and Certificate authentications
Full support for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL,MSSQL,ACESS,DB2,Sybase,Sqlite
Full support for Error/Union/Blind/Force SQL injection
Support for file acess,command execute,ip domain reverse,web path guess,md5 crack,etc.
Super bypass WAF

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Social Engineering is no science, it is pure trickery!

The term “Social Engineering” sounds like a serious academic subject on reforming a wayward society! Alas, far from the truth, it is pure and simple trickery, a con job. The

Finding vulnerabilities in PHP scripts

Contents : * 1) About * 2) Some stuff * 3) Remote File Inclusion * 3.0 – Basic example * 3.1 – Simple example * 3.2 – How to fix

You’ve Hired a Hacker (Section 2)

Section 2: Social issues 2.1: My hacker doesn’t fit in well with our corporate society. She seems to do her work well, but she’s not really making many friends. This