* Password Cracking
Password cracking is a common way to retrieve a password by repeatedly trying to guess for the password. The most common method of password cracking is guessing and dictionary attack.

* Keystroke Logging
Keystroke logging or more commonly known as keylogging is a way of obtaining passwords or info by capturing what user’s type. It is a diagnostic tool that comes in the form of software or hardware (i.e. inserted in the keyboard).

* Phishing
Phishing is an online identity theft scam where attackers send emails or sms that look like they are from the bank, requesting for sensitive personal information.

* Login Spoofing
Login spoofing is a way of obtaining a user’s User Name and password. The user is presented with the bank’s Login page to prompt for the User Name and password. When the User Name and password are entered, the information is then passed to the attacker.

* Shoulder Surfing
Shoulder surfing as it suggests, is a way of obtaining a user’s User Name and password by peeping.

* Spyware
Spyware is computer software that is often installed into the PC without user’s knowledge and usually takes place during user’s download of free software, games or subscribing to free online services from the Internet. Once installed, it does not only monitor user’s surfing activity but also capable of retrieving any personal and sensitive information that is being transmitted on the Internet before it is sent in the background to interested parties.

* Trojan Horse
Trojan horse is a type of malware (malicious software) which allows unauthorized access by attacker to user’s computer and more often for the purpose of data theft (e.g. personal information, bank account numbers and password). It can be spread through opening email attachment from unknown person or visit to unknown websites.

* Mule Scam
As the result of responding to spam email or job recruitment that offers opportunities to make easy money, a person could fall for a mule scam. This person is known as “money transfer agent” or “money mule” whereby a mule’s bank account is used to receive stolen money from phishing victims and such account also act as a transit prior to the funds being sent abroad and later to be withdrawn by the fraudsters.

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