777 Directory

What Is This:
You Uploaded Shell With With “NoBody” Permission
Let’s Say You Browse To Another Folder Which Is 777 But All Files Are 755 And Belongs To Some User There
To Change Those Files We Do Like This

How To Do It:
Upload Your Own File/Index To That Folder Let’s Say Your Page Called


And The File You Want To Change Is


So Execute This:

MV Evil.php Index.html

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Methods of Making Your Trojans/Bots F/Undetecable

1. Crypters/Binders. This is By far the most Common Way to Make Your Trojan Undetectable. Almost everyone Who Makes There Trojans Undetectable Uses a Public Crypter, My First Public Crypter,


A hacker group named themselves BLINK HACKER hacked and it’s a social and news site for Myanmar Latest News, Myanmar Breaking News, Myanmar Update News. I don’t know how

Gmail/ Google apps down!

Gmail and Google apps are down for almost 2 hours now. News, reader etc are working fine. Everyone getting 502/503 after few minutes n loading the page. Nothing official from