(Reuters) Assange, whose WikiLeaks website is at the center of a row over the release of secret U.S. diplomatic cables, was arrested under a European Arrest Warrant earlier on Tuesday after handing himself in to London police.

Assange, who denies the allegations, was refused bail and faces a fresh hearing on December 14.

He has spent much of his time in Sweden and earlier this year was accused of sexual misconduct by two female Swedish WikiLeaks volunteers.

A Swedish prosecutor wants to question him about the allegations.

At a court hearing in London, Senior District Judge Howard Riddle said: “There are substantial grounds to believe he could abscond if granted bail.”

He also said the allegations were of a serious nature, and Assange had comparatively weak community ties in Britain.

WikiLeaks, which has provoked fury in Washington with its publications, vowed it would continue making public details of the 250,000 secret U.S. documents it had obtained.

“Today’s actions against our editor-in-chief Julian Assange won’t affect our operations: we will release more cables tonight as normal,” WikiLeaks said, according to its Twitter page.

London police said Assange was arrested by officers from its extradition unit at about 9.30 a.m. (0930 GMT) after he appeared by appointment at a police station. His whereabouts had been previously undisclosed.

“He is accused by the Swedish authorities of one count of unlawful coercion, two counts of sexual molestation and one count of rape, all alleged to have been committed in August 2010,” a London police spokeswoman said.

Swedish prosecutors opened, then dropped, then re-opened an investigation into the allegations. The crime he is suspected of is the least severe of three categories of rape, carrying a maximum of four years in jail.

src: http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6B61PX20101207

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