In passive OS fingerprinting, an attacker installs a sniffer on any third party such as a router on which the victim communicates frequently. Now he studies the sniffer’s log and responses, and receives hints about the remote OS with the help of the following parameters:

* TTL values: This is Time To Live Value for any packet sent by any host.
* The window size: For many operating systems, the initial window size value is fixed.
* Don’t Fragment bit (DF): Some operating systems keep the DF bit on, and some do not.
* Type of service: The type of service value varies from OS to OS.

When an attacker identifies these values from sniffer’s logs, he matches them with his database of known signatures of operating systems and receives a clue about which OS is running on the remote computer.

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Visit to Myanmar —-~_~—

ShweDagon Pagoda @ Yangon, Myanmar INTO’s Education Seminar @ Trader Hotel Myanmar ICT Exhibition 2010 @ Tatmataw Hall, Yangon btw, Now I’m @ NEW WAVE Cyber Cafe, No. 12/A D1,

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