IPAY : Online Myanmar

This evening, I found a fascinated  big bill board “IPAY” http://www.ipay.com.mm at Thamine Junction, Yangon, Myanmar. Then, I said my friend “googl3group” about it, and said  “NO XSS, NO SQL Injection, NO RFI, NO LFI”! …
Yeah, NO DATABASE too! he said… LOL…

After a few minutes, “googl3group” send me a link to check XSS vulnerabilities may be existing there at www.ipay.com.mm/myan/insert.php. Yeah, XSS, persistent xss.

 Cross Site Scripting is a client-side attack where an attacker can craft a malicious link, containing script- code which is then executed within the victim’s browser when the target site vulnerable to and injected with XSS is viewed. The script-code can be any language supported by the browser but mostly HTML and Javascript is used along with embedded Flash, Java or ActiveX.

In some cases where the XSS vulnerability is persistent as described further below, the attacker will not have to craft a link as the injected script is inserted directly into the target site and / or web application. The target user(s) still has to view the affected site / page where the injected code is located though.

The persistent XSS can be triggered just by browsing a Web Application with code injected into it. (This depends on which page has code injected, in case the target is not globally affected on all pages loaded by the user.)

The place where user have to question and answer,

IPAY : The Place , where you have to send message.

I just summited XSS Script


IPAY : XSS Vulnerabilities

This is PlanetCreator’s XSS Fake Page.

IPAY : Fake PAGE with XSS

informed to :- webmaster

This is vulnerability is posted at Vulnerabilities Research Page http://www.planetcreator.net/info

We hope that your security staff will look into this issue and fix it as soon as possible.

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