Sam’s Whois is a free php class with supporting scripts which make adding a domain name whois lookup to your website incredibly simple.

Main Features

* All major tlds supported (including com, net, org, info, biz, us,,, etc).
* Optionally automatically redirect a query to the authoritative whois server for a tld     where appropriate (.com and .net).
* CSS-based design for easy integration with your existing website design.
* Free to use (see the licence page for full details)
* Can cache whois lookup results for a specified amount of time, reducing bandwidth and system usage.
* Optionally require users to enter a randomly generated code, displayed as an image, for each lookup to stop people using scripts to abuse the system.
* Comes with a detailed and heavily commented example script fully illustrating usage.
* Easy installation – Basic version requires only 1 line of code. View the quickstart guide here.
* Optionally clean whois data of extraneous text (for some tlds).
* Easily limit which tlds are supported with one line of code.
* Optionally hilight main fields in the whois data for extra clarity.


Today infofreakzzz informed a XSS @ WorldWideMyanmar… Oh It’s mine :D…. using it since long long ago 🙂 then i checked n found it.

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