U Tun Lwin

Chiang Mai (Mizzima) – A Burmese hacker group that targets popular Burmese websites broke into the  Myanmar Climate Change Watch (MCCW) website created by noted meteorologist Dr. Tun Lwin.

The website provides free up-to-date information on climate changes and weather news in Burma.

The hackers, known as the Blink Hacker Group (BHG) , posted a notice on the website that said users’ passwords were kept in plain text format, which undermines user privacy, the group said.

They hacked the website first on March 11 and then posted the warning on the website on Thursday.

The warning directed the website owner to repair the flaw in storing passwords as soon as possible or otherwise ‘BHG would hack and destroy this website’.

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We informed that vulnerability since last year : critical SQL injection (vulnerability) on Myanmar Climate Change Watch

I don’t know why they hack this kind of website, for revenge ? for promote themselves?  for advertise their news? ;; don’t know at all! Whatever and whoever they are, you should take care your site sand fix as soon as possible when you got alerted security weakness. 🙂



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