#LFI Scanner By GlaDiaT0R
#My Mail: the_gl4di4t0r[AT]hotmail[DOT]com
#Home Page: DarkGh0st.Com
#Greetz To Boomrang_victim, Marwen_Neo & All Tunisian Hackers

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What are the various steps in the pre-attack phase?

In the pre-attack phase, there are seven steps, which have been defined by the EC-Council, as follows: 1. Information gathering 2. Determining network range 3. Identifying active machines 4. Finding

Firewall: Shut Out the Hackers

This book discusses many of the security tools you can use to defend your computer against digital threats. An antivirus program and anti-spyware programs are critical; however, the third key

Malaysia mymasjid.net.my’s Web Vulnerability, MySQL Injection

PlanetCreator has reported another critical MySQL Injection (vulnerability) on www.mymasjid.net.my This vulnerability has been alerted to :- Webmaster : [email protected] Applications: ———— PlanetCreator’s_Universal_Advanced_Internet_Securi ty_T00L System Time: ———— (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur,