This is not hacking or security news, just about my some favorite news while

I’m arriving at yangon, myanmar.

I’ve been here around 3 months and waiting visa approval to go back, therefore I feel boring by surfing internet and chatting with all of my friends. Fine, i do have to admit that online chat/flirt is very addictive. It provides a space for the chatters to talk about anything under the sun, anything that you might not be comfortable to bring up in your normal boring daily life. Its even better, if your chat buddy is someone gorgeous and sexy. Why? Imagine when you hardly get any attention from real life, yet some macho studs or Playboy Bunny materials treat u as a soul mate online! How not to make one weak on knee, you tell me?? But, all the lonely souls, while a picture tells more than a thousand words, it tells more than a thousand lies too! This morning, I got a news from one of my friend, It’s to attend Finding Shortest Man in the World Ceremony at Kandawgyi Karaweik Hall, Yangon, Myanmar. I’m really fascinated on this little guy bcoz i like to watch supernatural movies.. 😛 .

First, Col. Hla Moe (Retd) gives short brief on introducing short handing over Bala Kyi (a) Zaw Bala Aung (name of tiny baby) to the guest attending the Ceremony and Sayagyi Dr. U Sheinn gives short narration after that Maung Nyein Thu (Gyobinkauk), National Literary Prize Winner give short brief on finding shortest man in Myanmar.

Last, Writer, reporter Khin (a) Nat Myetsi , founder of shortest man in the middle of Myanmar reporter, gives explanation on his experience on the opputunity of finding the man.
Little guy is comming out!
Oh yeah, Damn right… OMG tiny baby.. so cute but i scare to touch him.. 😀 …

Biography of Bala Kyi (a) Zaw Bala Aung
Name         = Bala Kyi (a) Zaw Bala Aung
Age        = 11 years
Wonderful Event     : As inclusion in the buble of orange size in the womb of his mother and he was born by operation of the bubble as middle finger size. As the nipple cannot enter the mouth milking was done by dropping of milksoaked cotton. There is the Kyaittiyoe Pagoda shape at the shoulder and neck, he is second son out of 4 offsprings living poor at Htan Pauk Village with family.

He is Dr, U Shein M.D. (Medicina Alternativa)
(The Open International University for Complementary Medicines)
(Colombo, Srilanka)
Vidjadarayah International Renowned Healer
Adviser, QiMag East-West Medicina Alternativa Institute
(World Wide)
Member of The Scientific Advisory Board of The Shamanism and Healing Association Munich, Germany.

Let me talk about Shamanism, belief in supernatural forces to heal illness or predict the future! How about you? Do u believe in Shaman? No matter you believe it or not we should accept some special things in this world which we can’t reach by scientific manner. Why? Last two days ago I got a game from my friend, HAHA it’s Flash Mind Reader and I played it. WTF! How she know what i’m thinking!.. Fuck!, After I played 5 or 6 times, I googled and find the secret of Flash Mind Reader!

Step 1
Choose five different two digit numbers. According to the instructions of the Flash Mind Reader game, add the two digits and subtract the total from your original number. Write down your result. Repeat this for all of the numbers you chose.

Step 2
Compare the results for each of your numbers with the symbols on the Flash Mind Reader. You should notice that they all have the same symbol.

Step 3
Look at the numbers you got and see if you see a pattern. If you need a hint, your results are all a multiple of the same number. To check that you are right, look up all of the multiples of that number. You’ll see that they all have the same symbol, with two exceptions. However, if you look further, you will see that it’s impossible to get those numbers if you follow the original instructions. (

At the begin of the game when i’m playing, I don’t know how it works and what kind of secret it’s, Ghost in the flash? 😛 ….. But It’s very easy when i know about this!

Yeah, what I wanna talk about this is If we don’t know about Shaman, we won’t belive and accept it bcoz we’re not in there!.. Most of my friends asking me about What is the meaning of True Love? Loving, Hacking, Fucking??? I just gave them all a meaningfull answer. It’s “You’ll know when you’re in there”.

Actually I don’t believe completely in Shamanism but I can accept it bcoz I don’t know completely about that lol… i must confess that i believe the existence of ghost or supernatural But hey, u got to agree with me that we human being also believe in the bad things, and turn a deaf ear on the right thing!

Well.. Well… Just put it away if that isn’t useful by reading and keep your eyes on following 1 guy on 3 sexy ladies .. 😛
Ju Ju, Tin Moe Lwin, Zar Zar & Me

Sorry guys, I missed Tiny Baby’s Picture :D…. I’ll updated it later.

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