ModSecurity is a web application firewall (WAF). With over 70% of attacks now carried out over the web application level, organisations need all the help they can get in making their systems secure. WAFs are deployed to establish an increased external security layer to detect and/or prevent attacks before they reach web applications. ModSecurity provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring and real-time analysis with little or no changes to existing infrastructure.


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Critical SQL Injection in Myanmar Teleport – Myanmar Internet Service Provider (formerly known as BaganNet)

PlanetCreator has reported another critical SQL Injection (vulnerability) on Myanmar Teleport – Myanmar Internet Service Provider (formerly known as BaganNet) SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits

IP spoofing

IP spoofing is about the most advanced attack that can be executed on a computer system. IP spoofing, if done correctly, is one of the smoothest and hardest attacks on

Windows XP Users: Careful With That F1 Button!

Microsoft is investigating new public reports of a vulnerability in VBScript that is exposed on supported versions of Microsoft Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 through the use