DefaceTool is an open-source Java Server Faces(JSF)testing tool for decoding view state and creating view state attack vectors. The tool can be used to create XSS attacks and session and application scope attacks against Apache MyFaces 1.2.8 applications. The tool has been architected to be extensible and can be modified to support other versions of Apache MyFaces and Sun Mojarra.


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Myanmar Hacker Groups Hacked Bangladesh Sites

Hacker groups from Myanmar ..:: My@nm@r H4ck3rs Unite4m / Myanmar Cyber Army / Blink Hacker Group / Myanmar Cracking Team / Team Destroyer Army ::..  hacked 20 bangladesh web sites

What are the steps for security evaluation?

The ethical hacking project comprises three phases, summarized as follows: 1. Preparation: In this phase, a formal contract that contains a non-disclosure clause as well as a legal clause to

critical SQL injection (vulnerability) on Dhamma Web

PlanetCreator.Net’s Security Team member zai22 reported another critical SQL injection (vulnerability) on Dhamma Web SQL injection is a code injection technique that exploits a security vulnerability occurring in the