DefaceTool is an open-source Java Server Faces(JSF)testing tool for decoding view state and creating view state attack vectors. The tool can be used to create XSS attacks and session and application scope attacks against Apache MyFaces 1.2.8 applications. The tool has been architected to be extensible and can be modified to support other versions of Apache MyFaces and Sun Mojarra.


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Critical XSS Vulnerability in U Lun Gywe’s Website

PlanetCreator has reported another critical Persistent XSS Vulnerability on U Lun Gywe :    Myanmar most famous impressionist artist powered by IndexMyanmar This vulnerability has been alerted to :- webmaster

critical XSS Vulnerability on Ygncos Shorten Url

PlanetCreator has reported another critical XSS Vulnerability on Ygncos Shorten Url : This vulnerability has been informed to :- webmaster Test Link Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type

What Is a Hacker?

Hacker is one of those terms that has a different meaning depending on who uses it. Among programmers, to be a hacker is to be a star. Hackers are programming