Edit the code on what and how you need it, and yes this is detectable  in many cases, but you could insert a small FUD downloader to be  downloaded via this page, that will work beter 😉

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Study on the undetectable Server Bifrost 1.2d for the AV

1. Objective Trying to make the Bifrost Server 1.2d which is the latest version of a remote control KSV undetectable to Antivirus Software Required —– description ———————————————————————— Download Bifrost 1.2dR.AT

ZoneAlarm Using ”Scareware” to Sell Firewall

ZoneAlarm’s developer is using scareware tactics to force free-version clients into purchasing the full suite. Firewall developer Check Point Software Technologies has come under fire from consumers using the free

Online Services

Gathering information: (set) http://www.subnetonline.com/ (set) http://ping.eu/ (ping, dns_tools, traceroute, web_tools) http://serversniff.net/ (DIG / nslookup, whois, traceroute) http://networking.ringofsaturn.com/Tools/ (whois, dns_tools, service_scan, traceroute) http://centralops.net/co/DomainDossier.aspx (whois, dns_tools, domain_search) http://www.whois.ws/ (whois, dns_tools) http://www.robtex.com/ (whois)