How to Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications

January 5, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

Windows genuine advantage notifications occur when your computer hasn’t passed the validation test. The validation test can be failed due to being sold a pirated (non-genuine) copy of XP, or

Complete MySQL Injection

January 2, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

Credit go to sam207 TABLE OF CONTENT: #INTRO #WHAT IS DATABASE? #WHAT IS SQL INJECTION? #BYPASSING LOGINS #ACCESSING SECRET DATA #Checking for vulnerability #Find the number of columns #Addressing vulnerable

EU Police learning hacking tricks. They are about to “Remote search” your PCs.

January 1, 2009 0 Comments 0 tags

Law enforcement at European Union is working on ethical hacking proposal that will allow them to remotely access and monitor any PC without warrant. This is adopted after a decision