News of cyber war fare is reported from the warzone! News bases sites, telecommunication etc are the initial targets on both sides. Israel and the Arab world are showing mastery of cyber war fare and hacking of enemy sites on the rise due to the recent escalation of tension.

Debkafile a Jerusalem based news site is reportedly down due to denial of service attack. Another main news website of Israel Yediot Ahronot was also down for few hours due to cyber attacks. Al-Aqsa TV which operates from Gaza is down due to missile attacks.

Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are extensively used for web based propaganda war. Israel army has started its on youtube channel to showcase the video of the recent attacks. AqsaTube, a Youtube clone is used by Hamas to deliver online training on how to use weapons. Al-Jazeera news channel and Israel US consulate has started its on twitter channel for the users to follow the latest developments.

Winning this hi-tech tech war is not going to be easy like its offline counterpart!

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What are the user authentications supported by the SSH-2 protocol?

The SSH-2 protocol supports the following user authentications: * Public key authentication (DSA, RSA*, OpenPGP) * Host-based authentication * Password-based authentication Note: SSH-1 supports a wider range of user authentications,

Security Alert to (Web Vulnerability)

Hi,’s Webmaster This is PlanetCreator’s Security Te@am & Hackers Group, PlanetCreator has reported Critical SQL Injection vulnerability on Bamar Talk International Calling Cards – Cheap Call to Myanmar’s Website.

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Any security evaluation involves three components: * Preparation: In this phase, a formal contract is signed between an ethical hacker and the authority of the organization that contains a non-disclosure