Russian hacker has sent a note to the windows defender team. It’s discovered by a French analyst while analyzing the variant of the Zlob Trojan.

The original note below.

“For Windows Defender’s Team:
I saw your post in the blog (10-Oct-2008) about my previous message.
Just want to say ‘Hello’ from Russia.
You are really good guys. It was a surprise for me that Microsoft can respond on threats so fast.
I can’t sign here now (he-he, sorry), how it was some years ago for more seriously vulnerability for all Windows 😉
Happy New Year, guys, and good luck!
P.S. BTW, we are closing soon. Not because of your work. :-))
So, you will not see some of my great 😉 ideas in that family of software.
Try to search in exploits/shellcodes and rootkits.
Also, it is funny (probably for you), but Microsoft offered me a job to help improve some of Vista’s protection. It’s not interesting for me, just a life’s irony. “

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