BlackIce Defender is a Host-Based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS). It provides a firewall that detects, reports, and blocks all suspected access attempts. When any intrusion is detected, it provides a notification by flashing tray icons. It also provides detailed information about the different types of attacks that can harm the security of the network.

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[FUD] Simple command-line binder

First of all, why a command-line binder? Automation. Instead of sitting there binding individual, or even groups of files yourself, you can easily automate the binding process by using a

How to Remove Windows Genuine Advantage Notifications

Windows genuine advantage notifications occur when your computer hasn’t passed the validation test. The validation test can be failed due to being sold a pirated (non-genuine) copy of XP, or

What are the steps for security evaluation?

The ethical hacking project comprises three phases, summarized as follows: 1. Preparation: In this phase, a formal contract that contains a non-disclosure clause as well as a legal clause to