A Trojan may infect any system through Trojan vectors. The most common Trojan vectors are as follows:

* Email attachments
* Social engineering
* NetBIOS remote installation
* Physical access
* Fake executables
* Spyware and adware
* IRC and IM chats
* Flash applets
* ActiveX controls, VBScript, and Java scripts

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Project: The Wifi Predator

Picture this: You find yourself sitting in a hotel room that does not offer wireless internet… As you look out the window, you spot that the three hotels & a

Malaysia Government DBKL Web Vulnerability (2nd)

PlanetCreator has reported Critical XSS vulnerability on Official Portal of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Web Site, http://www.planetcreator.net/2009/09/criti…aysia-web-site/ and http://www.xssed.com/mirror/64058/ but nobody takes action ~~~ How come? Hello, DBKL’s Staffs! Are you

Hack Tools, Utilities and Exploits

Packetstorm Last 10 Files glsa-200901-13.txt – Gentoo Linux Security Advisory GLSA 200901-13 – Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Pidgin, allowing for remote arbitrary code execution, denial of service and