Hackers are categorized into the following classes:

* Black Hat Hackers (Crackers): These are persons who are computer specialists and use their hacking skills to carry out malicious attacks on information systems.
* Gray Hat Hackers: These are persons who sometimes do not break laws and help to defend a network, but sometimes act as Black Hat Hackers.
* White Hat Hackers (Ethical Hackers): These are persons who have excellent computer skills and use their knowledge to secure information systems.
* Security Providing Organizations:
Some organizations and communities also provide security to information systems.

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Hack Tools, Utilities and Exploits

Packetstorm Last 10 Files glsa-200901-13.txt – Gentoo Linux Security Advisory GLSA 200901-13 – Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Pidgin, allowing for remote arbitrary code execution, denial of service and