Hackers are categorized into the following classes:

* Black Hat Hackers (Crackers): These are persons who are computer specialists and use their hacking skills to carry out malicious attacks on information systems.
* Gray Hat Hackers: These are persons who sometimes do not break laws and help to defend a network, but sometimes act as Black Hat Hackers.
* White Hat Hackers (Ethical Hackers): These are persons who have excellent computer skills and use their knowledge to secure information systems.
* Security Providing Organizations:
Some organizations and communities also provide security to information systems.

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You’ve Hired a Hacker (Section 1)

Section 1: Basic Understanding 1.1: Won’t my hacker break into my computer and steal my trade secrets? Point of clarification. There are two communities of people that call themselves ‘hackers’.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of honey pots?

Honey pots have several advantages, which are as follows: * Small set of data: Honey pots collect small amounts of data, but almost all of this data is about real

You’ve Hired a Hacker (Section 4)

Section 4: Stimulus and response 4.1: My hacker did something good, and I want to reward him. Good! Here are some of the things most hackers would like to receive