Any security evaluation involves three components:

* Preparation: In this phase, a formal contract is signed between an ethical hacker and the authority of the organization that contains a non-disclosure clause as well as a legal clause to protect the ethical hacker against any prosecution that he may face during the conduct phase. The contract also outlines the infrastructure perimeter, evaluation activities, time schedules, and resources available to him.
* Conduct: In this phase, the evaluation technical report is prepared based on testing potential vulnerabilities.
* Conclusion: In this phase, the results of the evaluation are communicated to the organization and corrective advice/action, if needed, is taken.

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A hacker group named themselves BLINK HACKER hacked and it’s a social and news site for Myanmar Latest News, Myanmar Breaking News, Myanmar Update News. I don’t know how

Security/Hacking Tools & Utilities

1. Nmap I think everyone has heard of this one, recently evolved into the 4.x series.Nmap (”Network Mapper”) is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing.

DDoS Attack on Myanmar Takes the Country Offline

The main Internet provider for Myanmar, the southeast Asian nation formerly known as Burma, has been under severe denial of service attack since at least October 25, according to the