The form-based authentication scheme works in the following manner:

* A client generates a request for a protected resource (e.g. a transaction details page).
* The Internet Information Server (IIS) receives the request. If the requesting client is authenticated by IIS, the user/client is passed on to the Web application.
* If the client does not contain a valid authentication ticket/cookie, the Web application will redirect the user to the URL where the client is prompted to enter his credentials to gain access to the secure resource.
* On providing the required credentials, the client is authenticated/processed by the Web application.

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Security Alert to, MySQL Injection

Hi, Webmaster This is PlanetCreator’s Security Te@am & Hackers Group, PlanetCreator has reported Critical SQL Injection vulnerability on Website. Informed to [email protected] Some of your Web’s Data Information

Wireless hack tools 2008

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What are the phases of malicious hacking?

The following are the phases of malicious hacking: 1. Reconnaissance: In this phase, the attacker gathers information about the victim. 2. Scanning: In this phase, the attacker begins to probe